
ENGAGE faith styles



Teachers reinterpret faith for themselves through reasoning and reflecting.

  • Your faith is built on reasoning and reflecting.
  • You critically think in your own unique way.
  • You make up your own mind.
  • Your faith is best shaped in situations of dialogue.


Faith consists, not in ignorance, but in knowledge, and that, not only of God, but also of the divine will.

— John Calvin


Your faith is built on reasoning and reflecting.

Teachers examine all truths rationally. Their faith is built on reasoning and reflecting. They trust their own interpretation of faith in order to make balanced decisions. For them, truth should always be intellectually sound and personal.

You critically think in your own unique way.

It is important for Teachers to know how their understanding of faith is unique. They understand life and faith in their own unique way by thinking about it critically. They are of the opinion that everyone should reinterpret faith for themselves, like they do. Teachers often have their own personal way of thinking through different perspectives before making up their mind about what they believe. They own this process of drawing their own conclusions.

You make up your own mind.

Teachers’ relationship with God may be very personal and private, but nonetheless real and intense. Some Teachers express the desire to be ‘spiritual but not religious’.

Your faith is best shaped in situations of dialogue.

Teachers yearn for intellectual wrestling matches with people who stay in the discussion. They often seek out learning situations that create space for discussion and dialogue. They often find academic situations stimulating. Their relationship with God deepens as they internalise faith. They need to find situations in which they can reflect, reason and formulate their unique insights. This will mostly happen in respectful conversations.

Find out your faith style!

Nurture and explore your faith. Make sense of how you believe, who you are and why you do things the way you do.

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