
CENTRE faith styles



Learners are deeply centred on their simple calling. They are led on this way through continuously discovering the themes in their lives.

  • You find meaning through a sense of calling.
  • Your calling is within the polarities of life.
  • You find significance in today by discovering the themes in your life.
  • You create space for the Spirit through rituals and disciplines.


Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.

— C.S. Lewis


You find meaning through a sense of calling.

Learners know their whole story, the highs and lows have formed them for this moment. They sense they are called to live in this world but not of this world. Their calling is to live in this tension and make a difference. Their calling goes deeper than playing a role in the institution, deeper than creating their own future.

Your calling is within the polarities of life.

Learners are both sure and unsure, and the tension of these polarities is no problem for them. Learners find meaning in simplicity and humanity, and by being aware of God’s presence and God’s absence.

You find significance in today by discovering the themes in your life.

They know how to follow the very gentle nudging of the Spirit. These nudges are often discovered by looking back. An overview of their faith journey would help Learners. In the tapestry of their life they discover themes and lines that point to a meaningful future for them.

You create space for the Spirit through rituals and disciplines.

Learners' journeys forward often consist of stripping away and letting go. They need to create space in their lives through the discipline of simplicity before they add new stuff. The faith of Learners goes hand in hand with an ability to rest in solitude. It also leads to compassion, even for people who are very different from them.

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