
NURTURE faith styles



Devotees adopt religious habits and practices that express their unique perspective on faith.

  • You embrace practices that represent your own thinking.
  • You learn from leaders who align with your worldview.
  • You seek to truly serve God.
  • You want to explore different spiritual disciples.


People go wrong in their fellowships before they go wrong in their doctrine.

— John R. Rice


You embrace practices that represent your own thinking.

Devotees choose whom to follow depending on the like-mindedness they perceive between them. They only adopt prescribed religious actions and practices that represent their worldview.

You learn from leaders who align with your worldview.

Devotees only follow those leaders whose advice they feel is close to their own thinking and principles. Therefore, they also only practice disciplines that are grounded in sets of ideas or worldviews they identify with. It is important for them to have spiritual habits that express their unique perspective on faith.

You seek to truly serve God.

Devotees long to be introduced into the secrets of the tradition. They do not only want to serve God; they also want to be assured that they truly are serving God. Spiritual disciplines are one of the best ways to initiate someone into a deeper understanding of what faith really is about.

You want to explore different spiritual disciples.

Devotees thrive when they are introduced to disciplines one by one. They should not try to practice all the disciplines all the time. A spiritual director could help them discern which disciplines would have the biggest formational effect on them. They should be directed towards high commitment.

Find out your faith style!

Nurture and explore your faith. Make sense of how you believe, who you are and why you do things the way you do.

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