
CARE faith styles



Deacons are tirelessly working to make an impact on the world in line with their deeply held value systems.

  • You report for duty on social projects.
  • You build the world as it should be.
  • You perform tasks as religion requires.
  • You want to use your gifts in the service of the local faith community.


God is preparing His heroes. And when the opportunity comes, He can fit them into their places in a moment. And the world will wonder where they came from.

— A. B. Simpson


You report for duty on social projects.

Deacons know they need to ‘report for duty’ and play their part in changing the world. They express their faith through social projects. These projects are in line with their deeply held value systems. They are tirelessly working to make an impact on the world that fits in with the teachings of their religion.

You build the world as it should be.

Deacons strive to create a world as it should be. They know that we are God’s hands and feet to help God build his new world. Although some people are sceptical, Deacons hold on to the idea of a world in harmony where people are one in heart and mind and seek agreement.

You perform tasks as religion requires.

For Deacons, the story of creation is a helpful guide to direct their efforts. The creation story shows all people how we should live in this world. Deacons are people who freely offer to be part of what has to be done or to perform a task their religion requires. Mostly they do this without having to be asked because they regard it as the right thing to do. They also do it because they like to be involved in making a real difference.

You want to use your gifts in the service of the local faith community.

Deacons know that if everyone plays their small role faithfully, it would make a huge difference. They love being part of a big movement in order to make a huge impact on the world. They want a big plan and they will play their part in making the plan work. To help Deacons find their particular place in the larger scheme of things, it is important to identify their individual gifts. They would do well in identifying, exploring and strengthening their spiritual gifts.

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