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Activists create social order by determining what principles are underlying to a stable society.
Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.— John Wesley
Activists are devoted and helpful supporters. They aim to change the world by creating social order through the strength of underlying rules and duties. They spend time determining the principles underlying a stable society. They seek those principles governing faithful conduct.
Activists know that suffering and pain in the world are the result of people and systems ignoring the values faith should be built upon. Activists like to translate their ideas of how the world should work into projects. They want to put into effect the deep values and principles that guide their thinking. They initiate projects to create a new social order.
Activists are able to use third-person perspective taking. This helps them to understand themselves and others as part of a larger social system.
Activists have a lot of energy for outreaches and projects that align with their worldview. They are self-starters and should be involved in the prioritisation of projects.
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