
The FaithStyle Blog

7 FaithStyle assumptions

28 September 2022 · Theory

7 FaithStyle assumptions

Faith leaders acknowledge that the Spirit is already working.

The following assumptions serve as the foundation for understanding how FaithStyle engagements are implemented, and why we believe it works.

1. Something is working

A facet is neither good nor bad, but rather helpful or not. All current facets were useful at some stage. The question is, Are they still helping someone or a group to make sense of the relationships they are trying to navigate?

2. FaithStyles are not sequential

FaithStyles are not stairs that you climb. They are faith perspectives to help with ultimate meaning.

3. Simultaneous presence of different structural patterns

The FaithStyle perspective acknowledges the possibility of the simultaneous presence of different structural patterns in the religiosity of the same person at a given time.

4. Appreciate the unique mix

Each person, community or group has a unique mixture of FaithStyle facets. Each one has an integrated mixture of FaithStyles.

5. Uncover contrasting strategies

When people have two (or three) FaithStyles on the same Modi, it can be interpreted as that they have supplementary (or even opposing) ways of making meaning of that aspect of their faith.

6. Picture a hopeful vision of yourself or your community

Make the current unspoken strategy a reality. What we focus on becomes our reality.

7. Find a usable future in the past

If we carry parts of the past forward, they should be what is best about the past.

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